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I'm Karl Wasson.

—Purveyor of Well-Crafted Content Since 2012—

karlwasson@home~$ Hi, I'm Karl.

karlwasson@home~$ I like to write and program.

karlwasson@home~$ Type 'help' to see available commands.


My Expertise

I make content that helps people find the information they need.

I have a deep understanding of how SEO impacts organic traffic.

I enjoy building websites and experimenting with new technologies.

My Philosophy

High-quality digital content benefits businesses and their customers.

  • People want what you offer.
  • Users enjoy high-quality, relevant content that solves a problem.
  • Clients appreciate easy-find and easy-to-read information.
  • Visitors like a fast, user-friendly website.

I write helpful, relevant, and engaging content.

In my free time, I build durable, functional websites to understand the technical side of digital publishing better.

Content Creation & Management

I'm particular about high-quality content. According to Google, it’s my responsibility as a content creator to

"Provide high-quality content on your pages, especially your homepage. This is the single most important thing to do."

Source: Google Webmaster Guidelines

I take this advice seriously and only put the most relevant information for your audience on your website.

My Portfolio

Thought Leadership | How to mitigate security threats and supply chain attacks in 2023 and beyond

Blog Copywriting & Storytelling | Inside Vietnam's Raw Denim Community

Email Marketing Services | Parasocial Email Copywriting

Web Copy | White Sands Cove Resort

Blog Copywriting & Storytelling | Koio's Mission to Clean Up Chrome-Tanned Leather

Creative Copywriting | Freddy Gets Faded - A Nightmare On Elm Street x Naked & Famous Denim

Contact Karl

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Phone: +84 (0) 707372867

Email: contact@karlwasson.com

Let's work together. Send me a message: