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Email Marketing Services | Parasocial Email Copywriting

A menswear influencer was looking for an email copywriter to craft the copy for a weekly newsletter.

As the email copywriter on the project, I worked with the client to increase click-through rate, opening rates, conversions, and increase subscribers.

The challenge was to build trust with his audience while providing engaging content.

I matched his writing and speaking style by using similar phraseology, crafting an excited, almost rushed tone. Asking him about his browsing habits, we identified several subreddits and parasocial newsletters he follows as content repositories that offered new content to his audience.

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Email Marketing Strategy – The Helpful Friend #

As the email marketing funnel was based on a single sign-up form, I added a pop-up form that increased sign-ups.

The emails are sent in HTML — we saw this as an opportunity to showcase the influencer's personality — a knowledgeable, friendly menswear expert that genuinely wants to help people improve their self-esteem through dressing well.

Unlike a generic brand email newsletter, this approach gave the email a much more personal touch.

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