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Blog Copywriting & Storytelling | Inside Vietnam's Raw Denim Community

Menswear influencer Stridewise engaged my blog copywriting services to create an article highlighting Vietnam's unique raw denim community.

The project involved interviewing members in Ho Chi Minh City and relating what a member of this community means to them.

Read the full article here.

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Blog Article Writing Process #

As the blog copywriter, the first step was to undertake interviews with the admins of the Vietnam Raw Denim Facebook group. I asked questions about their lifestyles in Ho Chi Minh City, how they became interested in the subculture, and how they have maintained the community for a long time.

After each informal interview, I identified a hook for the blog post that gave it a unique angle and enhanced the storytelling element.

This article was featured in other menswear content marketing blogs and generated significant backlinks helping Stridwise rank on Google.

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